This page is to personally thank anyone who has helped me in this project.
Thank you to all those who have donated funds so far:
Jon Robson | Michael Grayson |Richard Cochrane | Ian Blackburn, Barbara Turner | Ian Johnstone | Pauline Grayson | Nicola Armstrong, Adam Knox | Janice Kitching | Nigel Platt | Reade Harriet | J M ladd, James McCafferty | Michelle Kilpatrick | Raechel Dougherty | Charlie Joice | Stephanie Brown | Joanne & Phil Gosling | Sheila Marshall | Martin Smith | Ian Smith | James Smith | Indrani Sardesai | Ashton Evans | Cath & Bob Tannock | Liz Nuttall | Lindsey Green | Paul Ainscow & his online pop quiz team and friends plus winners Michael & Anna for donating their winnings | Laura Grayson | Pam & Norman Geldart. – Plus all those who donated anonymously – you all know who you are! (updated 10/04/20)
A massive thank you to Michael Grayson and Solutions Recruitment for donating the funds to allow the sourcing of another 3D Printer + contribution towards materials to rapidly increase production rates.
I would like to give a shout out to Paul Ainscow who has been running an online quiz, and for the last couple of weeks has donated the proceeds from the quiz to the fund. Also to all the participants of his online quiz and the quiz winners who have also donated their winnings. Massive thank you.
Thank you to friends and family for their encouragement and support.
A thank you to my long suffering wife for having to put up with me while having to go keep working in the frontline and then come home to find what crazy idea I have come up with next.
I have to mention a close friend, Richard Cochrane, for his encouragement, advice and support, not only in helping produce early face shields but also for being a voice of reason.
Finally a massive thank you to all those key frontline workers and NHS staff, who continue to go out to work while the rest of us socially distance ourselves, and stay at home. They continue to help and care for others knowing they are potentially risking their own health and even lives to do so.