Welcome to my microsite for 3D printed PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for frontline NHS workers, nurses, carers and anyone having to continue to work without the proper protection to try and guard against them being infected by the COVID-19 causing coronavirus.
This purpose of this site is not about pointing the finger or criticising the current situation and dire need for sufficient PPE provision.
It is here to highlight the daily challenges many keyworkers are facing in trying to help others, whilst potentially jeopardising their own health and lives as well as the health and lives of their families.
3D printing enthusiasts and businesses around the world have united in a valiant effort to try and bridge the shortfall of much needed PPE and deliver it to those who need it now.
I am one such 3D printing enthusiast and have been printing face shields over the last few weeks using my own 3D printer materials, time and resources.
Along with the help of a close friend who has assisted with the sourcing of some materials, assembly and distribution of these face shields, frontline medical workers are able to continue in their roles knowing that they have at least some protection against the direct airborne droplets that can so easily infect people. He has done all this whilst also having to keep going to work in the NHS and endure the same challenges of working the frontline without adequate protection.
After starting to run low on resources and funds I was encouraged to start a small funding campaign and sent a plea out to family and friends. The response has been far greater than I could ever have hoped for and will allow for the production of even more face shields and their delivery to frontline workers who desperately need them.
This site will hopefully give anyone interested and insight into how this PPE is produced, where it is going to and the benefit it is bringing.